Earthquake-Resistant Academies

Studiohuerta Created an Anti-Seismic Building for Postgraduates

In 2010, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the city of Mexicali, Mexico, causing massive damage -- damage that Studiohuerta hopes to mitigate should such a disaster strike again. The architecture firm has created a new, "anti-seismic" building to house the Center for Postgraduate Studies at CETYS University in Mexicali that should minimize the effect of any seismic activity.

Located just east of the San Andreas fault line, CETYS has felt more than its share of earthquakes. As such, Studiohuerta's earthquake-resistant design is a wise choice. The building is a "fortified block" with thick walls and a fixed-base steel structure that rests on a reinforced concrete foundation.

Despite these brutalist necessities, the building maintains an attractive layout both inside and outside. It goes to show that functional requirements need not preclude impressive form.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-seismic Architecture - Developing buildings and structures that are designed to minimize the effects of seismic activity.
2. Earthquake Mitigation - Implementing measures to reduce the impact and damage caused by earthquakes.
3. Functional Aesthetics - Creating designs that prioritize both functionality and visually appealing aesthetics.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - The field of designing and constructing buildings and structures.
2. Engineering - The application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures and systems.
3. Construction - The industry involved in the building of infrastructure, including buildings and other structures.

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