Sultry Sister Spreads

This Sperky Nejsou Hrich Lookbook is Too Coquettish for the Convent

The idea of women who have dedicated their bodies to the church often becomes a profane fantasy for men. The Sperky Nejsou Hrich lookbook takes this naughty notion to the press with an erotic editorial of a nearly-naked nun.

Zuzana Straska is the blonde bombshell seen wearing a conventual's veil. The white wide-brimmed hat is, however, not paired with a modest habit and wimple, but with a slinky black dress which explicitly reveals the lady's cleavage and inner thighs -- not to mention her shoulders and knees.

Posed upon the altar, within the apses and the transepts of a cathedral, the model shows off the Nejsou Hrich lookbook in the most sinfully sensual way one can imagine. Photographer Lukas Dvorak captured these images for the Klenoty Aurum 2011 and you can be sure it's getting the irreverent attention it seeks.
Trend Themes
1. Erotic Fashion - There is a growing trend of incorporating erotic elements into fashion, pushing the boundaries of societal norms and conventions.
2. Religious Iconography - Religious imagery and symbols are being used in unconventional ways in various forms of art and fashion, creating controversial and thought-provoking statements.
3. Provocative Marketing - Brands are utilizing provocative and controversial marketing campaigns to generate attention and create buzz around their products or services.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry has the opportunity to explore new boundaries and challenge societal norms by incorporating erotic and controversial elements into their designs.
2. Art - Artists have the potential to create intriguing and provocative pieces by incorporating religious symbols into their work, sparking discussions and challenging perspectives.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketers and advertisers can leverage controversial and provocative campaigns to stand out in a crowded marketplace and create brand awareness.

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