Milk-Like Cereal Merchandizing

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This Special K Packaging Mimicks the Look of its Liquid Sidekick

Cereal boxes have come to take a loosely standardized set of dimensions, manufactured taller than they are wide and wider than they are deep, as rectangular forms that tower over every other cardboard package in the pantry. Special K packaging rethinks the generally accepted shape of the breakfast food's box, instead likening it to its closest companion.

Jiyoung Byun took inspiration for this branding concept from the one-liter milk carton. This way, the dry portion and the wet portion of your morning meal actually match, affording a more balanced juggling act when setting the breakfast table.

Of course, this Special K packaging scheme differs from the conventional dairy container because one side of it is completely transparent. The unusual feature lets the consumer see the remaining volume within the receptacle, enabling one to measure and monitor his servings.
Trend Themes
1. Transparent Packaging - Creating packaging with transparency and allowing consumers to see the contents can increase trust and monitoring of servings.
2. Custom Packaging - Customizing the shape and size of packaging can differentiate a brand and make it stand out in a crowded market.
3. Functional Packaging - Adding functionality to product packaging, like matching the shape of the package to the product's companion item, can enhance the overall user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Packaging - The food and beverage industry can benefit from creating innovative packaging that enhances the eating and drinking experience.
2. Household Goods Packaging - Creating custom packaging for household goods, especially those that are used in conjunction with other products, can create a more unified and cohesive look for the brand.
3. Fitness and Health Packaging - The fitness and health industry can benefit from transparent and functional packaging that helps consumers track and monitor their intake and portions.

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