Wine Snacking Combinations

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This Single-Serve Wine Comes with a Complimentary Snack

These single-serve wines were designed by creative agency 'ahhaproject' and Dahee Kim.

The contents of this unique packaging are a serving of cabernet suavignon -- one of the most common red wines in the world. The packaging itself is a plastic cup that is wrapped in a cylindrical tube and then sealed at the top. The most unique aspect of the single-serve wines is that they each come with snacks that sit at the bottom of the cylindrical tube underneath the wine cup. Whether it is nuts and dried fruit or various types of pretzels, the wine and snack combination is sure to be enjoyable for many.

This unique wine packaging concept is one that understands the value of an evening snack that is accompanied by a relaxing drink.
Trend Themes
1. Combination Packaging - Packaging food and beverages together to offer a complete consumption experience.
2. Cocktail Pairing - Creating enhanced culinary experiences by pairing alcoholic beverages with complementary snacks or meals.
3. Single-serve Convenience - Streamlining consumption by packaging food and/or beverages in single-serving portions that are easy to transport.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Innovative approaches to packaging and product offerings can enhance the consumer experience and drive sales.
2. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can use cocktail and food pairing to create unique dining experiences and set themselves apart from competitors.
3. Retail - Retailers can sell products that offer convenience and an experiential edge, enabling them to capture a share of the ever-increasing demand for quick and easy options.

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