Urban Shaman Photography

This Shaman Photo Series is an Intimate Look at Peru's Spiritual Healers

Taking us into the mysterious world of rituals in Peru, this shaman photo series is both haunting and completely riveting. Capturing the lives and rituals of shamans, healers and spiritual mystics in Lima, Peru, the 'Urban Shamans' series will hypnotize you.

The shaman photo series is the work of Italy-based photographer Andrea Frazzetta. While traveling through Peru the photographer came across the avenue Avenida Tacna -- which is known for its urban mystics who work out of office buildings and shops like any other employee would. The odd urban shamans phenomena caught her attention because of the interesting mix between the age-old traditions and the modern setting.

"Nestled in plain sight throughout the streets of Lima, these generations of shamans and their sometimes shocking ritual practices toe the line between cultural fixture and anomalous spectacle," says Frazzetta.
Trend Themes
1. Spiritual Ritual Tourism - Businesses can offer spiritual tourism activities in Peru that engage travelers to experience the country's rich mystical and cultural heritage.
2. Cultural Preservation Platforms - Platforms can be created to document cultural practices and traditions and to ensure that they are preserved for the next generation.
3. Alternative Healing Methods - The rise in interest in spiritual and alternative healing methods presents an opportunity for businesses to expand their offerings in this field.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Tourism companies can promote spiritual tourism packages that include visits to traditional healers, workshops, and sacred sites.
2. Media and Entertainment - Documentaries, TV shows, and films can be produced to showcase various cultural practices and their significance, granting accessibility to viewers worldwide.
3. Health and Wellness - Alternative healing practitioners can leverage this trend by providing accessible and affordable services that integrate traditional healing methods into mainstream healthcare systems.

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