Clever Science Campaigns (UPDATE)

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Science World Billboards Teach Funky Facts

Learn some of the most bizarre and unusual facts as you wait for the bus from the Science World billboards. In collaboration with Rethink Canada, this ad campaign, displayed on the streets of Vancouver, is about making science and education fun and interesting to the public.

Most people interested in science are considered to be nerds, but these eye-catching signs demonstrate that everyone can be interested in these educational facts. Some of the ads used in this campaign include a giant litter box stating, "Tigers will use a litter box." Another looks like a vending machine selling cans of mucus that reads, "You swallow a litre of snot every day."

By showing people all of these cool and strange facts, the Science World billboards are teaching us that science can be incredibly interesting.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Billboards - The use of interactive billboards can engage and educate the public in new and exciting ways.
2. Edutainment Advertising - Blending education and entertainment in advertising can create memorable campaigns that capture people's attention.
3. Promoting Science Engagement - Using unconventional and catchy messaging can generate interest and engage a wider audience in scientific topics.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Advertising - The outdoor advertising industry can explore innovative ways to incorporate interactivity and educational content into billboards.
2. Education & Science Museums - Education and science museums can draw inspiration from these campaigns to make science more interactive, fun, and appealing to visitors.
3. Creative Marketing Agencies - Creative marketing agencies can leverage edutainment advertising to deliver impactful and engaging campaigns for their clients.

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