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Robots Who Sell Things

Mechanical Marvels Whose Purpose is to Engage in Advertising

Unless you've watched too many Terminator or other Sci-Fi movies, you'll know that robots are our friends. In this case, Robots are so friendly and helpful that they'll even help you make purchasing decisions!

From hocking lottery tickets in North Carolina, to LG products, to Energizer batteries, Nintendo consoles in the 80s, robots definitely make an effective advertising mascot, especially for tech focused companies, products and services. The trend has actually existed for the better part of a decade, as proven by Westinghouse's Elektro, which spent the late 1930s touring America and world fairs.

We don't know if Svedka Vodka will truly be the best vodka in the year 2033, but if there's any spokesperson trustworthy enough to make that recommendation, it's the svelte-looking Svedka-bot.

You may want to avoid any product recommendations from SkyNet though.

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