Spooky Wine Kiosks

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This Ravenswood Retail Wine Display Concept is Dark and Delightful

This unique retail wine display for Ravenswood Winery products is a clever riff on the Sonoma County brand's dark themes. Created by graphic designer Ricky Cordero, the Ravenswood in-store display doubles as a case stacker to store and conceal excess stock efficiently, while it also features over-the-top details like that of cobwebs.

A larger display that invites customers to walk around and experience the whole thing, this display is effective in that it captures and holds one's attention based on its attention to detail.

The retail wine display is a refreshing take on whimsical in-store alcohol branding in that it doesn't involve a sports sponsorship or a celebrity endorsement, just a handful of clever references executed effectively.
Trend Themes
1. Whimsical In-store Branding - Providing a unique and engaging customer experience that goes beyond traditional branding efforts.
2. Multi-functional Displays - Creating displays that double as functional pieces for effective stock management and cost savings.
3. Dark Themes in Retail Design - Incorporating darker elements into retail design for a unique and attention-grabbing experience.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Innovating in-store displays and branding to capture and hold customers' attention, providing a unique shopping experience.
2. Wine Industry - Effective branding for alcohol products that goes beyond traditional sports or celebrity sponsorships, engaging with customers through unique and memorable displays.
3. Graphic Design Industry - Opportunity to create effective and impactful displays with attention to detail, incorporating functional elements for cost savings and stock management.

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