Adaptable Social Apartments

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The KC DEsign Studio Taipei Home Focuses on Public Living Space

The Taipei home designed by KC design firm emphasizes public living spaces over private, as a way to offer a more social-focused abode that is geared towards entertaining and accommodating guests. The layout is open concept with an architectural design that focuses on openness rather than separation, while providing a modern living arrangement.

Rather than using walls to create different living areas in the Taipei home, different materials and visual design is use to segment the space while maintaining openness. For example, the lounging sitting room features a wooden wall and concrete flooring that transitions into hexagonal black and white tiling to designate the kitchen and eating area. The space also includes adaptable furniture and a variety in ceiling height to further personalize the space without boxing off entirely different rooms.
Trend Themes
1. Social-focused Abodes - Designing homes that prioritize public living spaces over private areas to accommodate guests and offer a more social living experience.
2. Open-concept Living - Creating an architectural design that emphasizes openness rather than separation through the use of materials and visual design to segment space.
3. Adaptable Furniture - Incorporating furniture that can adapt and transform to meet the changing needs of the inhabitant in a space that focuses on openness and adaptability.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Design agencies and firms can create innovative, social-focused abodes using adaptable furniture and open-concept design.
2. Real Estate - The development of properties that offer social-focused spaces could appeal to those seeking a more community-oriented lifestyle.
3. Furniture Manufacturing - Manufacturers can design and produce adaptable furniture to meet the needs of consumers looking for furniture that can transform and fit into open-concept spaces.

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