Provocative Alphabet Typography

Font Artist Sensually Illustrated Each Letter of the Alphabet

Artist Bianca Dumitrascu has created a collection of erotic alphabet typography using a sexual, female theme. She has produced an adult version of a child's learning tool. Instead of using cute animals or food to create a connection in a child's mind, Dumitrascu uses sexy R-rated images.

Her fascination with typography, font and bright colours is evident in her latest project titled '36 Days of Type.' The collection features simple yet erotic comic-like illustrations of letters and numbers.

The numbers are created using sexy props. For example '1' is a tube of lipstick, '2' is a whip and '3' is a pair of open handcuffs. The letter images use the female body to represent most of the English alphabet. The letter 'C' is a candle resting on a woman's hip as wax drips onto her skin.

Dumitrascu has hundreds of images and followers on her Instagram page where she shares all of her artwork.
Trend Themes
1. Erotic Typography - Disruptive innovation opportunity for graphic design and adult entertainment industries to collaborate on unique and visually appealing marketing campaigns.
2. Adultification of Childhood Tools - Disruptive innovation opportunity for toy companies to create adult versions of classic children's learning tools, expanding their target market.
3. Comic-style Illustrations - Disruptive innovation opportunity for publishing and advertising industries to utilize eye-catching and fun comic-style illustrations for promotions and marketing materials.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Incorporating erotic typography in designs can elevate brand awareness and entice new audiences.
2. Adult Entertainment - Collaborating with graphic designers to create visually appealing marketing campaigns using erotic typography can attract new customers and increase profit margins.
3. Toy Manufacturing - Creating adult versions of classic children's learning tools can open new revenue streams and appeal to a wider demographic of consumers.

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