Fantasy Pizza Boxes

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Telus Appeals to Game of Thrones Fans with a Promotional Pizza Delivery

In order to celebrate the launch of Game of Thrones season five, Telus Optik set up a promotional pizza delivery for customers who are big fans of the show.

As well as branding the artistic boxes with emblems from each Game of Thrones family, the ingredients on the pizzas were selected to match the theme. House Lannister's piza was called the Iron Pepperthroni, while the Sausage and Baratheonion referenced House Baratheon.

To make the surprise and delight campaign even more enjoyable, Telus had these pizzas sent out for hand delivery by white walkers. As well as appealing to a general love of pizza, this stunt is a brilliant way to further reward Game of Thrones fans who are already subscribed to Telus' premium cable service.
Trend Themes
1. Fantasy-themed Promotions - Opportunity for brands to create unique and immersive experiences for fans by incorporating popular fantasy themes into their promotions.
2. Personalized Branding - Brands can enhance customer experience and foster loyalty by personalizing their packaging and products to align with customers' interests and preferences.
3. Event-based Marketing - Creative marketing campaigns tied to popular events or TV shows can generate buzz, engage customers, and attract new audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food brands can attract customers and create memorable experiences by offering themed food products and creative packaging.
2. Entertainment and Media - Companies in the entertainment industry can leverage popular TV shows and events to create unique marketing campaigns and engage their audience.
3. Technology and Telecommunications - Telecom companies can use creative promotions and collaborations to reward existing customers and attract new subscribers.

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