Charitable Pinboard Campaigns

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Elizabeth Arden's 'Pin It to Give It' Board Supports Cancer Patients

Each pin that is repinned from Elizabeth Arden's 'Pin it to Give it' Pinterest board supports women who are undergoing cancer treatments. For every repinned item, Elizabeth Arden will donate one lipstick to the 'Look Good Feel Better' program, which is a strong community designed to bring support, confidence and improve the lives of people with cancer.

Images pinned to the board share Elizabeth Arden's one for one goal and are mainly beauty-centric, focusing on uplifting the spirits of women with quotes, makeup tips and images of cancer survivors.

The board has over 3,800 followers and hundreds of repins. The campaign was launched on October 8th, which is just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Trend Themes
1. Charitable Pinboard Campaigns - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Explore how other companies can leverage Pinterest to create charitable campaigns that engage users and support meaningful causes.
2. Social Media Fundraising - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Investigate how social media platforms can be utilized to raise funds and awareness for various charitable organizations and programs.
3. One for One Donation Models - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Consider implementing a one for one donation model, where for every action taken by customers or users, a donation is made to a relevant cause.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Develop innovative campaigns and partnerships within the cosmetics industry to not only promote products but also support charitable causes.
2. Social Media - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Explore ways in which social media platforms can be utilized for fundraising and social impact initiatives, creating a more connected and engaged online community.
3. Healthcare - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Integrate charitable initiatives within the healthcare industry to support patients and improve their overall well-being during treatments.

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