Swipe-Based Snack Selectors

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Tyme's Office Snack Program Lets Employees Choose the Best Treats

To help office managers order snacks that their workplace team will actually enjoy eating, food provider Tyme launched a creative office snack-choosing interface inspired by dating apps. The app gives employees the power to vote on the snacks they'd like to see in the office with a simple left or right swipe. With the app, office managers are able to collect real-time data on the most popular snacks, dietary preferences and other information to inform their office snack order.

Tyme offers up to 25% off retail prices and products from up-and-coming snack brands, not only helping to simplify the snack-ordering process but also saving office managers trips to the store to replenish snacks with its service.
Trend Themes
1. Swipe-based Snack Ordering - The trend towards personalized experiences and convenience can be applied to snack ordering through a user-friendly digital interface that allows for real-time data collection.
2. Data-driven Snack Management - Real-time data collection and analysis can provide valuable insights that inform snack selection, while also facilitating cost-saving initiatives.
3. Up-and-coming Snack Brands - Supporting the growth of up-and-coming snack brands not only differentiates the snack offerings and enhances employee satisfaction, but it also fosters innovation and competition within the snack market.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Innovative snack ordering interfaces and data-driven snack management are areas within the food and beverage industry that can increase customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, while also providing cost savings.
2. Technology - By leveraging data-driven insights and innovative digital interfaces, technological solutions can enhance snack ordering experiences and streamline snack management processes across multiple industries.
3. Office Management - Streamlining the snack ordering process and providing cost-saving solutions can benefit office managers in various workplace settings, from small businesses to large corporations.

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