Anti-Mosquito TVs

The LG 'Mosquito Away' TV Emits a Sound Wave to Deter Mosquitos

The growing problem of malaria in markets like India has brought about the development of the LG 'Mosquito Away' TV as a way to digitally combat the flying pests.

The TV works by emitting a sound wave that deters mosquitos from coming inside the home or lingering around areas where humans are present. This harmless way of warding off mosquitos enables users to reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals and pesticides to be used to keep the pests at bay.

The LG 'Mosquito Away' TV is set to be available in a wide array of sizes and cost between $403 and $712, approximately. The incorporation of the technology in the average Indian home could help to reduce the instance of malaria transmission as well as dengue fever.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Mosquito Repellents - Digital devices that emit sound waves to deter mosquitos and reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals and pesticides.
2. Technological Pest Control - Incorporating technology to combat pests and reduce transmission of diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
3. Electric Insect Repellents - Devices that use electricity to deter mosquitos and other insects from entering homes.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Opportunities for consumer electronics companies to develop similar products targeting countries with high instances of mosquito-borne diseases.
2. Home Appliances - Incorporating mosquito-repelling technology into household appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators.
3. Healthcare - Working with technology companies to develop solutions that reduce the transmission of diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

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