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This Mi Otra Electric Car Concept is Sleek

Behance user Mi Otra has come up with a series of illustrations depicting a concept for an electric car. Industrial design is admittedly not engineering and designing an efficient electric vehicle, which is most definitely an ambitious project; however, Mi Otra isn't looking to reinvent the wheel. The design is meant to make such a project visually appealing. In this area, Mi Otra hits it out of the park.

The car has a sort of retro-futuristic look to it; that is, an aesthetic that was thought of as futuristic a decade or so ago. This is not to say the design is passe -- quite the opposite. There are good reasons why angular shapes, sleek lines and metallic textures have been associated with progress: they look cool.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-futuristic Design - Opportunities for companies to incorporate vintage design elements into modern products, making them visually appealing and unique.
2. Electric Vehicles - Opportunities to innovate and improve electric vehicle design and technology.
3. Industrial Design - Opportunities to explore and experiment with designs that push the boundaries of what is traditionally considered efficient or practical.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Automakers can utilize the retro-futuristic design trend to create visually unique electric vehicles.
2. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can incorporate retro-futuristic design elements into their products to stand out from their competitors.
3. Industrial Design - Industrial design firms can pursue innovative design projects, exploring the intersection between aesthetic and practicality in product design.

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