Red Planet Reality Shows

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The Mars One Mission Will Televise the Colonization of the Planet

The first humans to attempt to create a settlement on the Red Planet will be selected from a panel of judges in a Mars One sponsored reality show -- seriously.

Backed by Paul Römer, the co-creator of the reality television sensation Big Brother, the project is geared toward training four lucky astronauts that will eventually be hurled into outer space for a seven month colonization project. The entire experience will be televised, from the training sessions and contest phases to the winners' arrival on the foreign planet.

After competing on live T.V. to determine who is the best suited for Martian life, the winners will be issued a one-way ticket to Mars where they will share the trials and tribulations of a dramatic existence in a land far, far away to an audience back on Earth.
Trend Themes
1. Reality Mars Colonization Show - The success of the project may lead to an increased interest in colonization, and the possibility of exploring other planets using similar reality show formats.
2. Space Tourism - With the possibility of a successful Mars colonization, the space tourism industry may see a boost in interest from people wanting to travel to Mars or explore space in general.
3. Satellite TV Broadcasting - The airing of the reality show provides an opportunity for satellite TV broadcasting industry to take advantage of new viewership and advertising possibilities.
Industry Implications
1. Broadcasting - The success of the reality show highlights potential business opportunities for TV shows centered around the exploration of space.
2. Aerospace - The colonization of Mars will require significant technological innovation and advancement, leading to a growth in the aerospace industry.
3. Entertainment - The use of reality TV shows to promote space exploration presents an opportunity for the entertainment industry to engage with a new audience.

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