Makeshift Prison Escape Tools

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Should Inmates Have Access to the Workshop?

German photographer Marc Steinmetz has captured a series of innovative prison escape instruments that were designed by some creative inmates who had access to the an in-house workshop.

Among others, these devices included a shiv (built from a crucifix), a shotgun (from iron bedposts, curtain tape and match heads), a rope ladder (mounted to an imitation chess set), and a hash pipe (disguised in an empty horseradish tube).

Implications - These prison finds demonstrate how new products can be made out of even the most unlikely accessories. Companies should be creative when it comes to design, and even shock viewers with incredible commodities. With contemporary society being saturated with a variety of products, companies that take risks and offer alternatives will attract a broad consumer base.
Trend Themes
1. Unlikely Accessory Innovation - Companies should explore the potential of creating new products from unlikely accessories, like inmates did with their makeshift prison escape tools.
2. Creative Design Strategies - Companies should adopt creative design strategies to shock viewers and offer incredible commodities, following the example of the inmates' innovative escape instruments.
3. Alternative Product Offerings - Companies that take risks and offer alternative products will attract a broad consumer base, considering the saturation of contemporary society with a variety of products.
Industry Implications
1. Prison Equipment Manufacturing - The prison equipment manufacturing industry can use the inmates' makeshift escape tools as inspiration for creating innovative products that enhance security measures.
2. Design and Product Development - The design and product development industry can learn from the inmates' creative design strategies to create shockingly innovative consumer products.
3. Consumer Goods Manufacturing - The consumer goods manufacturing industry can benefit from the inmates' use of unlikely accessories to generate alternative product offerings, attracting a wide range of consumers.

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