Free-Form Prepackaged Pasta

The New Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is Free of Artificial Ingredients

Although you wouldn't know it unless you read the box carefully, the new Kraft Macaroni and Cheese recipe is actually a revolutionary step from the beloved comfort food brand.

Remixed as a free-from food, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese now features no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives to keep interest in the food relevant to the times.

The shift in the recipe by Kraft is nearly undetectable by consumers, but targets Generation Z consumers who are in need of delicious yet healthier alternatives.

The new Kraft Macaroni and Cheese recipe comes in the wake of new research that shows younger demographics like Generation Z are looking for ways to avoid artificial ingredients. As such, we're likely to observe more shifts towards free-from foods in the consumer packaged goods market.
Trend Themes
1. Free-from Foods - Kraft's new recipe for Mac and Cheese with no artificial ingredients highlights the trend towards free-from foods to cater to younger demographics' demand for healthier alternatives.
2. Clean Label Products - The removal of artificial ingredients in Kraft's new recipe positions it as a clean label product, tapping into the growing demand for such products among health-conscious consumers.
3. Generation Z Food Preferences - Kraft's shift in recipe aims to cater to Generation Z's preference for healthier food options, presenting an opportunity for brands to tap into this demographic's demand for healthy and tasty products.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - The shift towards free-from foods in the consumer packaged goods market is likely to continue, as Kraft's new recipe highlights the importance of providing healthier options to consumers.
2. Food and Beverage - The demand for clean label, free-from, and healthier food options in the food and beverage sector presents an opportunity for companies to innovate their product offerings and cater to changing consumer preferences.
3. Health and Wellness - Kraft's new recipe aligns with the growing trend towards health and wellness, as more consumers seek out healthier options in their food choices, creating an opportunity for companies in the health and wellness industry to provide such products.

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