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Epic Korean Rock Remixes

The Linkin Park Gangnam Style Album Went Viral

The Linkin Park Gangnam Style remixed album is blowing up the internet. In two days it’s already gone viral because YouTube users Triple-Q and RosalinaSama merged the hot K-Pop song with the well-loved Linkin Park ‘Hybrid Theory’ album. Every song got a Psy makeover and the internet is eating it up.

The promo trailer for the album begins with a message on the screen that says, "Your edgy, angsty teen phase… just got a whole lot sexier and stylish." It couldn’t be any further from the truth! The geniuses behind the project successfully combined Psy’s lyrics and rhythm with Linkin Park’s musical tunes. The Linkin Park Gangnam Style album was cleverly named ‘Psybrid Theory’ and it features songs like, ‘Gangnamcut,’ ‘Points op Gangnamthority,’ ‘Runaweyyy,’ and ‘A Place for Psy’s Head."

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