AR Building Toy Sets

'LEGO Hidden Side' Gives Kids Access to a Secret Augmented Reality World

For years, kids of all ages have been assembling imaginative LEGO creations and now, they will be able to take advantage of an all-new augmented reality-enhanced play theme through LEGO Hidden Side. Eight "haunted" building sets have been created for kids ages seven and up, which fuse the familiar building block experience with immersive AR scenes.

While the sets can be constructed without any kind of technology, like any classic LEGO toy, LEGO Hidden Side gives kids the chance to use an AR ap to bring the models to life. Within the app, kids will gain access to interactive mysteries and challenges to solve, as well as a digital game that can be played without a building block set.

After the launch of LEGO Hidden Side, more games, challenges and ghosts will be added to the app, alongside randomized gameplay so that kids are continually entertained with new experiences.
Trend Themes
1. Ar-enhanced Building Sets - Opportunity for the integration of augmented reality in traditional building sets.
2. Interactive Toy Experiences - Potential for children's toys to have interactive elements that go beyond traditional play.
3. Gamification of Building Sets - Possibility to incorporate games and challenges to create a more immersive experience with building sets.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Opportunity for toy manufacturers to incorporate AR technology in their products.
2. Gaming - Potential for gaming companies to expand into the toy industry by creating more interactive experiences.
3. Education - Possibility for educational institutions to use this technology to create more interactive and engaging lessons.

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