Feisty Fashiontography

This Jorge Aragon Collection Captures an Uninhibited Wild Side

When it comes to alluring photography, you really can't get much more provocative than the images in this Jorge Aragon collection.

Featuring some truly captivating models, this Jorge Aragon collection explores seductive sensuality while employing soft, subdued lighting. While the fashion pictured in these photos invariably takes a back seat to the scantily clad models that wear them, this distinction is not one that is likely to make this collection any less popular or successful.

Implications - It is well known that a lot of businesses use sexualized images of the female body to sell their products. Although this tactic may work, many people see this tactic as a way to demoralize women's values, so advertisements need to be very careful with what images they choose for their products.
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity Movement - Opportunity for brands to shift towards promoting body positivity and inclusivity in their advertising campaigns.
2. Empowering Sensuality - Creating fashion collections and photography that celebrate sensuality in a tasteful and empowering way.
3. Ethical Advertising - Promoting ethical standards in advertising, avoiding objectification and focusing on values and empowerment.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to embrace diverse body types and promote inclusive fashion lines.
2. Advertising - Incorporating ethical practices in advertising campaigns to avoid objectification and promote positive values.
3. Photography - Exploring innovative techniques to capture sensuality in photography while respecting the subject's dignity and consent.

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