Realistic 8-Bit Gaming

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Jimiyo Draws Mario and Link Artfully But Constrained to Jagged Shapes

These Jimiyo Mario and Link illustrations are both awe-inspiring and somewhat creepy to look at. After all, Jimiyo decided to illustrate the two iconic video game characters in a realistic manner, but still trap the protagonists to the confines of their original 8-bit shapes. This leaves the pair looking extremely deformed, though it makes for extremely impressive art.

I can't even look at Jimiyo's illustration of Link without a smile on my face as the expression plastered on his visage is already hilarious, but its funniness factor is amplified due to his contorted proportions.

Implications - Artists are currently referencing retro gaming in many of their art pieces because the demand for nostalgic imagery is at an all-time high. Companies may similarly use nostalgic iconography in media campaigns in order to fulfill consumer demand for such content.
Trend Themes
1. Retro Gaming Nostalgia - The demand for nostalgic imagery is at an all-time high, providing an opportunity for companies to use nostalgic iconography in media campaigns.
2. Realistic 8-bit Art - There is an opportunity for artists to create unique and impressive art by depicting iconic video game characters in a realistic manner while also utilizing their original 8-bit shapes.
3. Contorted Proportions - Contorting the proportions of iconic characters may result in hilarious and impressive art pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - By capitalizing on the trend of retro gaming nostalgia, the gaming industry can create new games and merchandise designed to evoke nostalgia from consumers.
2. Art Industry - The art industry can utilize the trend of retro gaming nostalgia to create unique and impressive pieces of art.
3. Marketing Industry - The marketing industry can utilize nostalgic iconography in media campaigns in order to fulfill consumer demand for such content.

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