Choreographed Japanese App Ads

This Japanese Commercial Uses Beautiful Choreography for Promotion

'Eight' is an app that was created to help grown someone's business network, which the company has promoted wonderfully in this Japanese commercial.

The three-minute video follows people exchanging their business cards amongst each other, beginning with two people and eventually growing to 20. The Japanese commercial uses an entrancing choreography that makes the video feel less like an ad and more like a futuristic music video. With this drawing in the attention of viewers, the app itself is only shown at the very end of the video, revealing why the network of people has grown so quickly. This Japanese commercial effective because it is both beautiful to watch and shows the function of the app creatively.
Trend Themes
1. Choreographed Advertisements - Businesses can use creative choreography to capture viewers' attention and make ads feel more like art.
2. Unique Promotional Videos - Promotional videos that are creative and outside of the box can generate more consumer interest and attention.
3. Subtle Advertisements - Advertisements that focus on creative storytelling and subtle product placement can be effective in capturing consumers' attention without feeling pushy.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can use creative and artistic approaches to capture consumers' attention and make ads feel more like entertainment.
2. Networking - Networking platforms and apps can use creative promotional videos to showcase their features in a unique and engaging way.
3. Marketing - Marketing professionals can explore creative approaches to advertising that focus on storytelling and emotional connections to products and services.

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