Sci-Fi Video Game Remixes

These Jack Jasra Star Wars Assassin's Creed Mash-Ups Kick Butt

Be prepared to be amazed by the Jack Jasra's amazing concept: a Star Wars Assassin's Creed mash-up. Though this would be awesome, until a company actually decides to put such a game into production, all fans of either or both get are these cool pictures, which are sufficient enough to whet people's appetites.

These Jack Jasra re-imaginings take Assassin's Creed's protagonist Ezio and place him in the garbs of the monk-like Jedis and the sinister Siths. What's amazing about these images is that Jasra really nailed the 3D modelling and aesthetic look of the Assassin's Creed games while seamlessly integrating costume elements from the Star Wars universe. Having mini lightsabers as substitutes for daggers is totally rad!

If you're dying to play a badass game with Jedis and Siths, you'll be happy to know that Star Wars: The Old Republic is set to release this year.

Implications - Crossovers often reinvigorate people's interests in the franchises involved. Consumers enjoy seeing familiar products with novel twists as it satiates their desire for new content, but also provides them solace with familiarity. Corporations looking to generate interest in old products may accomplish this goal through cross promotion with another existing product.
Trend Themes
1. Crossover Gaming - The popularity of crossover games such as the Star Wars Assassin's Creed mash-up opens opportunities for game developers to create unique crossbred storylines and characters.
2. 3D Modelling - The success of the Jack Jasra concept and its execution demonstrates potential for new uses of 3D modelling and design in video game production.
3. Fan-made Content - Fan-made content can inspire and promote popular franchises, and businesses can leverage this to gauge interest in potential new products or experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Development - Video game developers can benefit from exploring the opportunities for crossover gaming, 3D modelling, and fan-made content to enhance and expand their product offerings.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising professionals can use cross promotion and fan-made content to generate interest and excitement for existing products, and to survey demand for potential new products.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can use fan-made content, crossover gaming, and other tactics to refresh and extend the life of popular franchises, while exploring new ways to engage with audiences.

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