Toonified MP3 Posters

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The 'iSimpsons' Love Their Beats

DeviantARTist Mickey-LBG has created a series of posters that mimic the classic Apple silhouette advertisements. There is an old saying that if you can think of something, its been Simpsonized.

To keep the theme of the Simpsons, the backgrounds of these posters are yellow. The figures are all painted in all black, and the only thing that stand out is the product itself: the iPod. What would make these figures even better is if they were brought to life in a Simpsons and Apple dancing silhouette commercial.

Combining pop culture figures with famous brand names is becoming more popular among artists. People are drawn to this kind of mash-up art because they like being able to recognize what the two combined elements are.
Trend Themes
1. Pop Culture Mash-up Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create new products or experiences by combining popular culture figures with famous brand names.
2. Animated Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Bring brand characters to life through animated commercials, like the Simpsons and Apple dancing silhouette concept.
3. Recognition-driven Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create art that combines recognizable elements, appealing to people's desire to identify the combined elements.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new techniques and styles for creating pop culture mash-up art.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore animated advertising concepts that bring brand characters to life in unique and engaging ways.
3. Art Market - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Tap into the growing demand for recognition-driven art by producing artwork that combines familiar elements.

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