Ring-Arranged Branding

Ingredissimo Packaging Expresses Rich and Colored Texture in Circular Piles

The look of Ingredissimo packaging demonstrates that you don't actually require a prominent and consistent logo to tie a broad range of products together; rather, a common theme is sufficient to assert the relationship between various items of the same brand family.

When Lo Siento of Spain designed the little boxes for this line of culinary condiments, the studio settled on the continuous image of a circle to mark every different flavor. Tomato crunch, gummy fruits, ground toffee and dried vegetables have all be tucked into the same white cartons with tiny windows to reveal the scrumptious spices, medleys and toppings within. Ingredissimo packaging features a richly colored and textural ring on top of each box, created by carefully arranging the contents into O-shaped piles.
Trend Themes
1. Circular Branding - Creating a strong brand identity through the use of circular design elements instead of logos.
2. Texture-based Packaging - Using the texture of the product itself to inform the design of the packaging, creating a unique and memorable visual experience.
3. Windowed Packaging - Incorporating windows into product packaging to give consumers a sneak peek of the contents, increasing engagement and curiosity.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - By leveraging the colors and textures of the product, food and beverage companies can create packaging that stands out on crowded shelves and communicates quality ingredients.
2. Cosmetics and Beauty - Designing packaging that incorporates the texture of the product, such as a bumpy face mask or a glittery eyeshadow, can create a sensorial experience for consumers and help differentiate a brand.
3. Crafts and DIY - Incorporating windows into packaging for craft or DIY supplies, like beads or buttons, can give customers a better sense of the quantity and variety of materials they are purchasing, encouraging more experimentation and creativity.

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