Dating App Sleep Quizzes

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This In-App Quiz Raises the Importance of Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Tinder recently announced that it is joining The Huffington Post’s #SleepRevolution with an in-app quiz that asks millennials about their sleep habits. While most people know the importance of getting a good night's sleep, few make an effort to ensure they get the right amount of rest. This quiz aims to raise awareness about the importance of proper sleep habits by reaching out to millennials directly.

The #SleepRevolution initiative consists of a short quiz that involves question about different sleep habits. Users scroll through the quiz the same way they would with potential Tinder matches, swiping left to indicate no and right to indicate yes. In the end, the quiz will reveal whether the user is a 'Sleep Champion' or 'Sleep Amateur. In addition to the in-app quiz, there is a page of helpful resources about how to get a proper night's rest.

By integrating a quiz into Tinder's user-friendly interface, The Huffington Post has found a clever way to remind millennials about the importance of sleep.
Trend Themes
1. In-app Quizzes - Integrating quizzes into user-friendly interfaces can be a clever way to engage and educate consumers.
2. Sleep Awareness - Raising awareness about the importance of proper sleep habits can lead to a healthier population.
3. Millennial Engagement - Creating innovative and interactive experiences can help businesses resonate with the millennial audience.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Media - Digital media platforms can leverage in-app quizzes to increase user engagement and drive traffic.
2. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can benefit from initiatives that promote proper sleep habits and educate consumers.
3. Dating and Relationships - Dating apps can find unique ways to engage users and raise awareness on various topics, including sleep habits.

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