Faking Productivity

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'Idle Keyboard' Site Makes Typing Noises, So You Don't Have To

Idle Keyboard has just created the most amazing work-avoiding noise. Just type in idlekeyboard.com to your browser and read your favourite gossip columns or stalk on Facebook. Your boss will then hear your typing and think you're busy doing what you're supposed to. Little do they know...

The Idle Keyboard sounds exactly like you're typing on a regular old computer keyboard, tricking your colleagues and boss into loving you for all your hard work. The Idle Keyboard site is pretty much amazing.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Productivity - The rise of virtual productivity tools that give the illusion of work output creates opportunities for development and adoption.
2. Deceptive Tech - The proliferation of deceptive technologies like Idle Keyboard offers potential for innovation in creating new ways to deceive without harming others.
3. Automation Disrupts Work Norms - As automation increasingly replaces traditional human tasks, innovations like Idle Keyboard highlight how people adapt to change and seek new ways to work less.
Industry Implications
1. Productivity Software - Productivity technology may expand to include creative solutions that aid workers in appearing productive while combating disengagement and idleness.
2. Surveillance & Security - In businesses where time management and productivity are key, surveillance and security industries may see disruptions in how they monitor or software tools that can detect Idle Keyboard use.
3. Digital Marketing - Businesses may look towards disruptive marketing tactics and strategies that are communicated solely through audible cues to better track and measure employees work output.

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