Dehumanizing Zoo Exhibitions

The 'Human ZOO' Displays People from Fringe Groups Like Animals

Placing stereotypical humans on display, performance group God's Entertainment created the 'Human ZOO.' The group set out to explore common stereotypes by categorizing people, labeling them and caging them like zoo animals.

Each part of the exhibition has a different type of person such as homeless people, punks and people with criminal records. These people were chosen because they represent a segment of society that's labeled as undesirable or unwanted.

The Human ZOO project was inspired by the public's efforts to restrict fringe groups from public spaces. Just like pigeons are kept away using pigeon spikes, many governments are attempting to keep homeless people from sleeping in certain places. By exhibiting these groups like they're animals, God's Entertainment is provoking viewers to think about their preconceptions.
Trend Themes
1. Dehumanizing Exhibitions - Opportunity for innovative approaches to challenge and redefine societal stereotypes through immersive experiences.
2. Exploring Common Stereotypes - Opportunity for innovative platforms or initiatives that aim to spark dialogue and understanding around societal labels.
3. Reclaiming Public Spaces - Opportunity for innovative solutions that promote inclusivity and challenge attempts to segregate certain groups from public areas.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Performance - Opportunity for artists and performers to create thought-provoking installations and performances that challenge societal norms.
2. Social Activism - Opportunity for activists and organizations to advocate for inclusivity and challenge discriminatory practices.
3. Urban Planning - Opportunity for urban planners to design public spaces that foster community engagement and embrace diversity.

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