Spicy Fried Macaroni Snacks

The Burger King Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos are Creamy and Cheesy

The Burger King Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos have been announced by the brand as a followup to the original fried snack to provide patrons with a spicy alternative that is sure to satisfy cravings for macaroni and cheese.

The fried snacks consist of portions of macaroni and cheese that has been coated with a crispy crust before being doused in a crunchy coating of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. The snacks are shaped to look just like puff-style Cheetos, which makes them a somewhat obscure yet indulgent side to pick up from the QSR brand.

The Burger King Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos are available only for a limited time and can be ordered in packs of five.
Trend Themes
1. Spicy Snacks - There is an opportunity to create new spicy snack variations by using spicy coatings.
2. Alternative Fast Food Sides - There is an opportunity to innovate and create other snack or side dish options for fast food restaurants.
3. Flavored Coatings - There is an opportunity to expand coating options for snacks and dishes by introducing new and bold flavors.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food restaurants can continue to offer new and innovative sides and snacks to attract customers.
2. Packaged Snacks - Snack manufacturers can create new spicy snack varieties using innovative coatings for macaroni, cheese or other snacks.
3. Convenience Stores - Convenience stores and mini-marts could start integrating similar spicy snacks into their convenience snack sections to attract customers.

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