Smartphone Hologram Generators

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HOLHO Produces Holograms from Your iPhone

HOLHO has introduced a series of new hologram projectors for smartphones and tablets. Photos, images and video are adapted from one’s personal device then projected onto the hologram projector—or what is referred to as a pyramid. By simply placing your smartphone beneath the projector, visual oblique surfaces produce holographic projections which are then view-able from all four sides of the pyramid, allowing for a hologram or 3D visualization.

HOLHO has created prototypes of these projectors, with smaller sizes most appropriate for smartphones and handheld devices, and larger projectors for tablets and laptops. While not yet manufactured for commercial use, the device is seeking support and funding to begin fully manufacturing and bring this device to consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Smartphone Hologram Generators - The emergence of hologram projection generators that allow users to project holograms from their personal devices presents an opportunity for tech companies to develop new visual experiences for consumers.
2. Personalized Hologram Projection - The use of personal devices as sources for photos, images and videos to produce holographic projections enables individuals and businesses to create personalized, immersive experiences.
3. Consumer Hologram Technology - The development of consumer-grade hologram projectors opens up new prospects for consumer technology and entertainment companies to create innovative, interactive holographic content.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The hologram projector is poised to disrupt the consumer electronics space with its novel, engaging user experience.
2. Entertainment - The integration of hologram projection technology with entertainment presents new opportunities for live events, immersive experiences, and interactive installations.
3. Advertising and Marketing - The personalized and immersive nature of hologram projection technology presents an innovative avenue for advertising and marketing, potentially revolutionizing traditional forms of advertising.

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