Tiny Timber Backyard Apartments

The Herald Garden Studio from Parsonson Architects is Functional

The Herald Garden Studio has been designed by Parsonson Architects as a functional, freestanding structure that aims to provide additional living space for homeowners. The studio was designed for a New Zealand couple feeling cramped in their two-bedroom Victorian cottage looking for more space without having to leave their neighborhood. The tiny cabin is big on modern aesthetics, while also incorporating ample amenities into its 183-square-foot interior including a bathroom, storage space, play area, guest bed and more.

The Herald Garden Studio is constructed using wooden beams in a triangular arrangement to achieve a structure, which has then been clad in oriented strand board (OSB) along with corrugated Colorsteel to help it blend into the garden.
Trend Themes
1. Backyard Living - Opportunity for companies to create innovative and functional housing structures for homeowners in their backyards.
2. Tiny Home Movement - Growing trend of homeowners seeking compact and functional living spaces that are sustainable and affordable.
3. Adaptable Architecture - Increased demand for adaptable architecture that can cater to changing needs of homeowners and serve as space-saving solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - Opportunity for companies in the construction industry to expand their offerings to include innovative and functional housing structures for homeowners.
2. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate companies to market and sell homes that offer backyard living spaces.
3. Architecture - Opportunity for architects and designers to create adaptable and space-saving solutions for homeowners seeking functional living spaces.

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