Face Mask Analysis Systems

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The Face Recognition Company Has Updated its System for Retailers

Face masks have become a mandatory part of the protocols in place around the world, so the Face Recognition Company (FRC) has gone ahead and updated its system to continue working effectively in the new normal. The system is capable of identifying patrons wearing facial coverings to alert retailers of those who have been flagged for things like shoplifting. The system can also work to detect if someone who enters the establishment isn't wearing a face covering to let retailers reiterate to them that they must do so to come inside.

Chief Executive of FRC Tim Noest spoke on the new updates saying, "Face coverings are now likely to be part of our normal daily life for a long time to come – even after mandatory restrictions are lifted. Just a few months ago, a person entering a store with their face covered would have raised suspicion. Today, it’s the norm, and this presents real challenges from a security perspective. This new capability allows our system to identify the person behind the mask and help security staff operate more effectively in this new normal. In addition to this new functionality, we are also extending the capability of our system to alert security staff when people enter environments when not wearing a face covering. Wearing a mask is now compulsory in many retail and public transport environments across the world, and we are providing businesses with an extra pair of eyes when it comes to ensuring that customers are following the rules."
Trend Themes
1. Facial Recognition Systems - There is a trend towards improved facial recognition systems that can identify individuals wearing face masks, signaling opportunity for companies in the security and surveillance industry to innovate.
2. COVID-19 Safety Measures - As face masks become a mandatory part of daily life, there is a trend towards the incorporation of COVID-19 safety measures into security technologies, opening up opportunities for companies in the retail and public transportation industries to explore new innovations.
3. Real-time Alerting Systems - Companies are investing in real-time alerting systems for identifying and tracking individuals that are not wearing masks in public and retail settings, signalling an opportunity for tech startups and emerging tech companies to create disruptive innovations in these industry spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Security and Surveillance - The innovation opportunities in this industry focus are on developing facial recognition and other AI-powered technologies for enhancing security measures in public and retail settings, particularly in light of COVID-19 safety requirements.
2. Retail - The increased use of mask-wearing and facial recognition technologies opens up new innovation opportunities for retail companies to better manage their in-store traffic and improve their security protocols in the face of COVID-19 safety guidelines.
3. Public Transportation - The integration of COVID-19 safety measures into public transportation systems signals innovation opportunities in real-time tracking and alerting systems to help capture passengers attempting to travel without facial coverings.

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