Face-Directed Dance Videos

Project 'Face Dance' by Supermarché Morphs Facial Movements to Dan

Project ‘Face Dance’ by the filmmaker team Supermarché takes facial movements and translates them into a Michael Jackson dance routine. Using facial recognition technology, the project lets you manipulate your facial muscles to pull off a moonwalk or crotch grab.

The installation was built by creating a database of dance moves by recording a dancer impersonating the King of Pop. Coders then linked input from facial recognition sensors to certain dance moves to make your smile turn into a hip pop. The end result is a setup that lets anybody execute an awesome dance routine.

This project is an experiment into linking new technologies with cinematic storytelling. By creating a bond between facial movements and video, Supermarché is exploring new ways to use the human body with technology.
Trend Themes
1. Facial Recognition Technology for Personalized Experiences - Supermarché's Face Dance project showcases the potential of facial recognition technology in creating personalized experiences.
2. Human-computer Interaction in the Arts - Face Dance blurs the lines between human and computer interaction in the context of artistic expression.
3. Gesture-based Interfaces - The use of facial recognition technology in Face Dance highlights the potential for gesture-based interfaces in entertainment and media industries.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can benefit from using facial recognition technology to create personalized experiences for consumers.
2. Art - Face Dance demonstrates the potential for human-computer interaction in artistic expression, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities in the art industry.
3. Media - Gesture-based interfaces like the one in Face Dance have potential applications in the media industry for creating interactive content that responds to human gestures and movements.

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