Exotic Lab-Grown Meat

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Vow Wants to Build the Noah's Ark of Lab-Grown Meat

VOW Food is an Australian start-up that is dominating the market for exotic lab-grown meat and actually has a pretty ambitious goal—to make the experience of cell-based dishes so diverse that they can answer the prerequisites of a Noah's Ark.

Cellular agriculture (or cell ag) has truly gained in popularity in the last few years as the demands for sustainability are growing and companies are hurrying to provide innovative alternatives. For many consumers and brands, this approach presents a cruelty-free method of indulging in things or even trying things that we normally don't have access to.

For Sydney-based VOW Food, the concept of its exotic lab-grown meat would include kangaroo, yak, zebra, and tortoise. As a result, a key selling point of this is a novel experience.
Trend Themes
1. Exotic Lab-grown Meat - The trend towards developing exotic lab-grown meat is disrupting the traditional meat industry by offering sustainable and cruelty-free methods of indulging in hard-to-find dishes.
2. Cellular Agriculture - The trend towards cellular agriculture is disrupting the meat and agricultural industries by providing innovative and sustainable alternatives to traditional farming and livestock practices.
3. Demand for Sustainability - The trend towards sustainability is disrupting various industries such as food and agriculture by forcing companies to consider innovative and eco-friendly solutions to meet consumer demands.
Industry Implications
1. Meat Industry - The meat industry is being disrupted by the development of exotic lab-grown meat, which offers sustainable and cruelty-free alternatives to conventional farming and livestock practices.
2. Agricultural Industry - The agricultural industry is being disrupted by cellular agriculture and other sustainable practices which aim to reduce the environmental impact and improve the efficiency of traditional farming practices.
3. Food Industry - The food industry is being disrupted by the trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices, which are compelling companies to develop new and innovative products to meet consumer demands.

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