Apocalyptic-Provoking Billboards

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'Echoes of Voices in High Towers' Makes Berlin Think Collectively

This summer, Berliners are being challenged by artist Robert Montgomery to take a moment to think about the social reality of our time in a city-wide exhibit entitled 'Echoes of Voices in High Towers.' In the text-based poetic exhibition, Montgomery plastered thought-provoking artwork across Berlin, right next to billboard advertisements.

Robert Montgomery's work is honest and direct. He challenges viewers to think about topics ranging from world politics to hipster fashion. One billboard reads, "The hipster: an aesthetics of nihilist self-regard disguised as nihilist disregard." The poems are reminiscent of lectures from parents -- they inspire people to fulfill potential while making one confront the mistakes of the past.

Echoes of Voices in High Towers runs till October 2012, and consists of 10 billboards around Berlin.
Trend Themes
1. Text-based Art Installations - The popularity of Robert Montgomery's exhibit suggests an opportunity for artists to use text-based art installations as a means of provoking thought in public spaces.
2. Social Commentary Advertising - Advertisers should consider using billboards to promote social commentary as a way of engaging audiences and taking a stance on current issues.
3. Creative Subversion of Advertising - Artists and advertisers can use billboards as a canvas to subvert traditional advertising and challenge social norms.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The use of billboards for thought-provoking art installations could elevate the role of art in public spaces.
2. Advertising - Ad agencies should consider incorporating social commentary and thought-provoking statements in their campaigns as a way of engaging audiences.
3. Marketing - Billboards can be used as a way to subvert traditional marketing techniques and promote more creative and thought-provoking campaigns.

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