Suicide Prevention Skincare Campaigns

Dr. Brandt's #SayILoveYou Initiative Aims to Raise Awareness

For World Suicide Prevention Month, which takes place in September, Dr. Brandt Skincare created the #SayILoveYou campaign.

The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness to how depression and suicide continues to affect people, and to provide funds to help those in need access resources. In order to take part in the campaign, all consumers need to do is purchase Dr. Brandt's three step skincare kit, which comes with a temporary heart tattoo. To have an additional $1 donated to depression and suicide prevention causes, consumers can share a post of themselves with the tattoo on the inside of their wrist on social media, accompanied with the #SayILoveYou hashtag.

The funds raised from the kits and these posts will go towards the Trevor Project and FISP.
Trend Themes
1. Mental Health Awareness Campaigns - Implementing marketing campaigns to increase awareness around mental health, depression, and suicide prevention.
2. Social Responsibility Initiatives - Launching cause-related campaigns that allow consumers to participate and contribute to a specific cause, while also promoting brand values and image.
3. Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes - Using crowdfunding platforms to raise money for charitable causes, while also raising awareness and engaging with consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Industry - Creating skincare products with a cause and aligning brand values with social responsibility initiatives.
2. Non-profit Organizations - Collaborating with business entities and using social media and marketing to spread awareness and raise funds for charitable causes.
3. Social Media Industry - Offering low-cost, high-reach platforms to host and promote cause-related content, campaigns, and initiatives.

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