DIY Health Screening

EyeSite Vision Testing Kiosk by SoloHealth

SoloHealth plans to be “a world leader in self-service health screening.” The company has developed EyeSite, an innovative and award winning, kiosk style eye-health screening unit.

The company realized finding time to undergo routine medical checkups with our fast paced lifestyles is becoming more and more of a challenge. If something is not urgently wrong we put off making an appointment, which often has to be done weeks or even months ahead. People are delaying professional help, including optometric visits, in some cases to the detriment of their health.

SoloHealth's plan is to have the EyeSite kiosks placed in convenient, highly visible (no pun intended) locations, to provide users with a quick vision and eye-health synopsis. Online appointments can then be made simply and conveniently right there, if the EyeSite kiosk with its CIBA Vision software deems it necessary.

The first EyeSite kiosk has been set up in a Wal-Mart in Georgia and has been eagerly put to the test by more than 6000 shoppers.
Trend Themes
1. Self-service Health Screening - The trend of self-service health screening is disrupting the traditional healthcare industry by providing people with a convenient and cost-effective alternative to routine medical checkups.
2. Kiosk-style Medical Screening Units - The rise of kiosk-style medical screening units, like SoloHealth's EyeSite, is disrupting the optometry industry by providing a quick and easy way for people to get a vision and eye-health synopsis.
3. Online Appointment Booking - The trend of online appointment booking is disrupting the traditional healthcare industry by providing an easy and convenient way for people to schedule appointments with healthcare providers.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry has the opportunity to adopt self-service health screening methods and kiosk-style medical screening units to provide patients with a more convenient and accessible healthcare experience.
2. Technology - The technology industry has the opportunity to invest in and develop innovative medical screening technologies like SoloHealth's EyeSite kiosk.
3. Retail - The retail industry has the opportunity to integrate self-service health screening kiosks into their stores, providing customers with a convenient value-added service.

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