Stunning Geometrical Desert Art

The 'Desert Breath' Project Looks Surreal and Other Worldly

Looking like mystical art from above, this stunning geometrical desert art piece by installation artist Danae Stratou looks surreal and other worldly.

The 'Desert Breath' project in Egypt's mesmerizing vast desert lands is made up of two perfectly shaped spiraling arms of positive and negative conical forms. Inspired by the forms found in the natural world and the cosmos, this gigantic desert art installation took two years to make.

With cones taller than people and the central body of water spanning 100 feet, Stratou and her team almost covered 100,000 square meters with this behemoth art piece.

The 'Desert Breath' can be seen by Google Maps as it sits in the quiet desert infusing itself into the natural landscape.
Trend Themes
1. Installations-as-tourist-spots - Create installations so unique and awe-inspiring that they could become popular tourist spots.
2. Environmental-messaging-art - Use art installations with environmental messages to raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural landscapes.
3. Mega-art-installations - Explore the potential for creating increasingly huge and intricate art installations to attract attention and become landmarks.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Tourism authorities could work with artists to develop installations that would encourage visitors to travel to specific locations.
2. Environmental-activism - Environmentalists could partner with artists to use installations as a means to raise awareness about the importance of protecting natural landscapes and ecosystems.
3. Architecture - Architects could collaborate with artists to conceptualize and create huge, intricate art installations that contribute to a unique urban landscape and incorporate the environment in their design.

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