Interactive Denim Displays

Frame Jeans Display Helps Consumers Learn About Different Styles

Although a well-dressed mannequin or a neatly stacked denim display will undoubtedly catch the eyes of a shopper browsing in a store, conscious consumers of today need to find out more about a product before making a purchase. To assist with this, PERCH Interactive created a smart jeans display for Frame that encourages consumers to physically engage with the product and a touchscreen display.

At the center of the display is a screen that instructs: "Pick a pair, any pair." Once a consumer does, the screen changes to display relevant information about that particular pair of jeans. This includes useful information such as different colorways available, as well as outfit suggestions and ratings from other customers. With this display standing in for a sales associate, consumers are able to effortlessly browse for information at their leisure, without having to engage their own mobile device.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Product Displays - Displays that encourage consumers to physically engage with products and allow for browsing for information at their leisure, are becoming increasingly popular.
2. Smart Retail Technology - The use of smart technology like touchscreen displays in retail spaces is proliferating, enabling consumers to interact with products in new and meaningful ways.
3. Contextual Information Delivery - Displays which provide relevant information about a product, such as color options and ratings from past customers, are becoming essential in meeting the needs of conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - Interactive product displays and smart retail technology have the potential to revolutionize the way that fashion retailers connect with customers.
2. Consumer Electronics - As consumers become accustomed to engaging with smart technology, adopting these tools in consumer electronics retail spaces will help create better shopping experiences.
3. Home Decor Retail - Interactive displays that provide consumers with information about design choices and complementary products can enhance the customer experience in home decor retail spaces.

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