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Debunking Movie Myths

‘Mythbusters’ tackle Titanic’s movie myths!

In a special ode to the 15th anniversary of the iconic and internationally recognized film Titanic, ‘Mythbusters’ decided to take on one of the film’s infamous myths. The myth in question concerns the final scene between Jack and Rose. Many movie goers speculate that both Jack and Rose could have fit upon that floating piece of wood, rather than Jack having to stay in the water where he would eventually die.

Titanic fans will be pleased to know that the famed director James Cameron even makes a cameo in this episode to address the infamous myth. Cameron claims that even though the wood appears large enough to hold the both of them, the buoyancy of the wood would not be able to hold them both without sinking.

Co-hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage set out to answer this myth by constructing mini versions of the characters to do scale testing, as well as using themselves to do a full-scale test. The verdict? Yes, both Jack and Rose could have fit on that piece of wood, if they had used their life jackets for extra buoyancy.

While their experiment may have put many movie enthusiasts minds at rest, it doesn’t change the fact that the final scene between Jack and Rose will forever remain in movie history for its emotional and heartbreaking impact that made it a spectacular piece of cinema.

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