Boney Skater Parks

The D Face Skull Skate Pool are Seriously Awesome

Have you ever wanted to skateboard in an abandoned swimming pool? Me neither. Have you ever wanted to skateboard in an abandoned swimming pool that is the D*Face skull skate pools? Me too!

Evidently this bad ass graffiti artist turned the entire working area of this pool into a boarder haven with skulls. The abandoned pool is covered in wicked hot skulls that scream "I have my Ph. D. in badassery!" Basically, all that I ask of the D*Face skull skate pools is to come to where I live and make one for me. Thanks.
Trend Themes
1. Abandoned Skate Parks - Repurposing abandoned spaces into skateboard parks with unique designs.
2. Art-inspired Skate Park Design - Using art and graffiti-style designs to create unique skate park features.
3. Skate Park Tourism - Developing travel destinations centered around unique and artistic skate parks.
Industry Implications
1. Skateboard Manufacturing - Partnering with artists and designers to create unique boards that match the aesthetic of art-inspired skate parks.
2. Tourism - Developing packages and promotions for skateboarding enthusiasts to visit different skate parks around the world.
3. Public Spaces - Investing in repurposing abandoned public spaces into unique, art-inspired skate parks that draw in a diverse and passionate community.

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