Hybrid Animal Ads

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More Bioengineered Kooky Converse Creations (UPDATE)

The marketing company behind Converse's new concept shoe--custom designed Converse--has struck gold with their latest ad campaign billboards featuring kooky Converse creations that will stop you in your tracks.

Playing on the idea of custom design, these kooky Converse creations include giant posters of a pink, half-crocodile, purple half-dog rocking purple and blue Converse, as well as a roaring half-lion, half-squirrel creature, decked out in a pair of black Converse.

Implications - If this doesn't get you wanting to wear a pair of Chuck Taylor's, at least you'll have some awesome animal hybrid pictures to look at.

What's next? Will they finally create the mythical "Liger" (half lion, half tiger) creature from Napoleon Dynamite? How about a squirrel/turtle fusion?
Trend Themes
1. Custom Design Marketing - Opportunity to explore new and creative ways to market products through custom design concepts.
2. Bioengineered Creations - Potential for using bioengineering techniques to create unique and eye-catching products.
3. Animal Hybrid Art - Rise in popularity of creating art and merchandise featuring imaginative animal hybrids.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can capitalize on the trend by incorporating custom design elements into their products.
2. Advertising - Advertising industry can explore new and innovative ways to promote products through eye-catching bioengineered creations.
3. Art and Design - Art and design industry can embrace the trend and create unique and captivating animal hybrid artwork and merchandise.

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