Narcotic Spoon Replicas

Mcdonald's Orders Cease and Desist On Golden Coke Spoon

The Citizen:Citzen Gold Coke Spoon #1 was designed about a year ago, but the designers were recently given a cease and desist letter from McDonald’s because their Coke Spoon #2 looked like a McDonald’s stir stick.  As a result, the publicity is driving up the popularity of their entire line.  Nice work, McDs!

Obviosuly, being highly illegal, advertising the fact you take drugs is never a good idea. A bit much like drugs themselves. However, I feel the design quality of this ‘cokespoon’ deserves a mention. Whilst it may be an accurate replica of a biro top, the fact it is made out of gold kind of gives it away. Ironically a 30 pence biro would serve any wannabe coke spoon owners a lot better.
Trend Themes
1. Replica Drug Paraphernalia - Designing and manufacturing replica drug paraphernalia as fashion, art or novelty items.
2. Luxury Drug Culture - Catering to the wealthy demographic looking to glamorize drug use through luxury accessories, experiences or products.
3. Anti-drug Campaigns - Creating awareness through innovative marketing campaigns that highlight the dangers and negative impact of drug use.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - The fashion industry can cater to the replica drug paraphernalia trend by producing accessories that appeal to the youth culture.
2. Luxury Goods - The luxury goods industry can target the wealthy demographic's fascination with drug culture by producing high-end accessories or experiences.
3. Healthcare and Public Safety - The healthcare and public safety industries can collaborate on innovative marketing campaigns to discourage drug use and educate communities on its dangers.

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