Post-Workout Coconut Beverages

Rebel Kitchen Coconut Milk Drink is Designed to Help You Recover

Many athletes use milk and milk products as a way of recovering after a workout, but this leaves those who have an intolerance to lactose out of the loop, which has prompted Rebel Kitchen Coconut Milk Drink to become the new player on the alternative beverage market. Coming in flavor options like coffee, chocolate and chai, Rebel Kitchen Coconut Milk Drink is naturally dairy free and is made using organic coconut milk.

Filtered water is added to Rebel Kitchen Coconut Milk Drink as well as organic date nectar for that sweetness that many love chocolate milk for. Containing zero refined sugars, preservatives and additives, Rebel Kitchen Coconut Milk Drink is suitable for vegans, vegetarians as well as those who have nut allergies or an intolerance to gluten.
Trend Themes
1. Dairy-free Recovery Beverages - Opportunity for companies to create dairy-free alternatives for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to aid in post-workout recovery.
2. Organic Ingredients - Using organic ingredients for beverage products can attract consumers who are health-conscious and environmentally aware.
3. Alternative Milk Market - The growth of the alternative milk market presents an opportunity for brands to introduce new dairy-free products like coconut milk, almond milk, and soy milk.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Brands in the beverage industry can capitalize on the growing trend of alternative milk products.
2. Fitness Industry - Companies in the fitness industry can offer dairy-free recovery drinks to attract customers with lactose intolerance and other dietary restrictions.
3. Health Food Industry - The health food industry can offer organic, dairy-free beverages that cater to the health-conscious and environmentally aware consumers.

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