Honey-Sweetened CBD Beverages

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Sparkling 'Cloud Water' Comes in Flavors Like Blood Orange & Coconut

Cloud Water is a line of 40-calorie sparkling CBD beverages with unique flavors and natural sweetness that comes from a touch of raw honey. With flavors like Blood Orange & Coconut and Grapefruit & Mint & Basil, Cloud Water boldly sets itself apart with "intellectually engaging" flavors.

Thanks to the addition of honey, these beverages need not rely on zero-calorie sweeteners and only boast 10 grams of sugar per bottle. In terms of texture, the refreshing beverages are said to be a cross between sparkling water and soda, helping to satisfy consumers who are looking for better-for-you beverages with enhanced benefits.

Both Cloud Water beverages are packaged in conventional glass soda bottles with crimped metal caps—although they are finished in an opaque white coat that creates a sense of curiosity about the drinks.
Trend Themes
1. Sparkling CBD Beverages - The rise of sparkling CBD beverages presents an opportunity for companies to create innovative flavor profiles and explore the wellness benefits of CBD in a refreshing format.
2. Honey-sweetened Drinks - The trend of honey-sweetened beverages opens up possibilities for brands to offer natural and healthier alternatives to traditional sugary drinks.
3. Enhanced Beverage Textures - The demand for beverages that bridge the gap between sparkling water and soda provides a chance for companies to experiment with new textures and provide unique sensory experiences.
Industry Implications
1. CBD Beverage Industry - The CBD beverage industry can tap into the growing popularity of sparkling CBD beverages and develop innovative products that cater to consumer preferences for both wellness and flavor.
2. Health & Wellness Beverage Industry - The health and wellness beverage industry can explore the use of honey as a natural sweetener and highlight the benefits of reduced sugar content in their products.
3. Packaging Industry - The packaging industry can seize the opportunity to design visually intriguing and curiosity-evoking packaging for beverages that stand out on the shelves.

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