Enchanting Tourism Ads

This Spot for Claremont, California Has a Wes Anderson Aesthetic

Created by Vancouver-based Wallop Film, this heartwarming advertisement for Claremont, California takes on the aesthetic of a Wes Anderson film in order to sell its charm. The town of 35,000 people resides in the greater Los Angeles area and has a population that is mostly students.

The quaint spot is made even more accessible thanks to the story it paints, of first loves blossoming and quirky individuals going about their business. The town's sweet spots such as lines of antique stores and picturesque parks perfect for picnics are highlighted by the enchanting characters that are depicted.

Wallop Film is a creative agency that specializes in luxury branding for hotels and restaurants. Their use of story-telling marketing in this case goes a long way in terms of marketing the accessibility of the town and all of its positive attributes.
Trend Themes
1. Storytelling Marketing - Utilizing storytelling techniques in marketing campaigns to create emotional connections with consumers and highlight the unique qualities of a product or destination.
2. Aesthetic Advertising - Incorporating specific visual styles or aesthetics, such as the Wes Anderson film style, to enhance the appeal and message of an advertisement.
3. Student-inclusive Tourism - Catering tourism experiences and destinations specifically to the needs and interests of student populations.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality & Tourism - Using storytelling marketing and aesthetic advertising to promote hotels, resorts, and travel destinations.
2. Advertising & Marketing - Applying storytelling techniques and aesthetic advertising to create captivating campaigns for a variety of products and services.
3. Education & Student Services - Developing student-inclusive tourism strategies to attract and accommodate the needs and preferences of student travelers.

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