QR Code Flag Ads

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The CI Central de Intercambio Campaign Promotes Informed Travel

The CI Central de Intercambio ad campaign does just promote travelling, it promotes informed travelling. As the largest youth and student travel organization in Brazil, the company provides people with the widest choice in educational programmes and travel services. This is illustrated by images of flags rendered in common QR codes.

Cleverly conceived and executed by Media Contacts, an ad agency São Paulo, Brazil, the CI Central de Intercambio ad campaign headed by creative director Luis Renato Constantino, who oversaw creatives Mateus Oliveira, Felipe Delphorno and Fabio Lemos. They worked together illustrate the tag line, "You learn with the world." A strong message to send out, it encourages youths to expand their knowledge and experience by embracing the world. Of course, they would be armed with helpful hints along the way.
Trend Themes
1. QR Code Flag Ads - Using QR codes in ad campaigns to promote informed travel.
2. Youth and Student Travel - Providing educational travel programs to young people.
3. Expanding Knowledge and Experience - Encouraging young people to embrace the world and learn from it.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities to use QR codes in advertising campaigns to promote safety and education.
2. Travel and Tourism - Expansion of educational travel programs targeted at young people.
3. Education - Opportunities to provide students with experiential learning outside of the classroom through travel programs.

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