Transgender Bangladeshi Photos

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'Call Me Heena' Explores Bangladeshi's Community of 'Hijras'

'Call Me Heena' is a fascinating photo series, captured by Bangladeshi photographer Shahria Sharmin, that explores the country's community of hijras -- people who were born with male anatomies but identify as being female internally. Hijras are considered something of a third gender in South Asia.

Hijras meet plenty of prejudice in mainstream society, and the photographer herself was taught to despise Hijras growing up. However, she began to see the beauty of the Hijra community after meeting a person called Heena while pursuing a project on garment workers.

For 'Call Me Heena', Sharmin photographed Hijras in a variety of circumstances -- some sell their body for money while others work routine working-class jobs. Some are open about their gender identity while others have left their families in the dark.

The photos are all captured in black and white, with the subjects depicted in soft and gentle tones.
Trend Themes
1. Recognition of Third Gender Identities - Opportunities for advocacy and inclusion of third gender people in social and legal systems.
2. Inclusion in Traditional Digital Platforms - Opportunities for mainstream social media platforms to include third gender options to promote greater diversity and representation.
3. Empowerment of Third Gender Entrepreneurs - Opportunities for support and investment in businesses and start-ups founded by third gender individuals.
Industry Implications
1. Social Services - Opportunities for organizations and institutions to provide support and advocacy for third gender individuals in areas such as healthcare, education, and legal aid.
2. Fashion and Beauty - Opportunities for fashion and beauty brands to embrace and celebrate the diversity of gender identity through inclusive marketing and product development.
3. Arts and Culture - Opportunities for artists and cultural institutions to spotlight the experiences and perspectives of third gender individuals through exhibitions, performances, and other creative endeavors.

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