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The Calgary International Film Festival Billboard is Sad and Funny

For the upcoming Calgary International Film Festival, advertising agency WAX creatively constructed a crying billboard in hopes to generate a good following. Although this billboard is sad, it also invokes laughter as it reads: "Only the best films make it."

When examined closely, the man in the billboard is indeed crying and his over-expressed sadness generates a connection with the audience. The emotionally-driven billboard is surely making a hilarious, yet fixated relation for the Calgary International Film Festival.
Trend Themes
1. Emotional Advertising - Businesses can explore the strategy of using an emotional connection with consumers to create relatable and memorable marketing campaigns.
2. Humorous Marketing - Comedy and humor can be leveraged in advertising to entertain and create a positive association with the brand, while still conveying the intended message.
3. Interactive Billboards - The use of interactive billboards can add an element of surprise, engagement and intrigue to traditional advertising, helping to capture attention and drive interest.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Promoting films, games, music, and sports events with emotionally-driven marketing campaigns can effectively create buzz and anticipation among fans.
2. Tourism - Using engaging and interactive billboards to promote destinations and attractions can help to grab the attention of passersby and encourage them to consider visiting the location.
3. Charities - Leveraging emotional connections with donors through storytelling and humor can help charities stand out and create a lasting impression that encourages donations, support or action.

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